Friday, November 4, 2011

It's that time again...


Editor's Comments:
To most, Fall Back signals that the glorious and long-anticipated extra hour of sleep has arrived at last; and it does, it does - sort of...
Sort of, since I've learned through the years that this wonderful, precious, extra hour is canceled out with interest when, after nimbly springing out of the sack an hour too early, the better part of my morning is spent tediously re-setting every clock in the house... except ONE.
I always manage to forget ONE! 
Finally, my duty justly done, after but a fleeting 4 months Spring Ahead once again opens its gaping maw.

Oh joy! I just can't WAIT!!

Maybe the world will end early and I'll be spared the pain and agony.

The Master

Dear Readers,

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was the foremost musical virtuoso of all time.

Recognized quickly as a prodigy, at an early age he could perform difficult selections flawlessly on the clavichord with a cloth held in front of the keys to prevent him from seeing his hands.

His was a genius yet to be surpassed.

Listen now, and marvel to the famous Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, 1st Movement (Allegro), performed by the well known Advent Chamber Orchestra.

Click here for their first class performance and a captivating bar-graph score that progressively shows the orchestra's mix during the work.

Editor's Comment:
It gave the Editor goosebumps... and that's a LOT of bumps.