Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Little Sidestep...

Dear Readers,
The game below was designed with our esteemed leader in mind, but in truth it could fit any politician, any speech, any time, any place.

Given the ongoing shenanigans in our nation's capital, attention must be drawn to certain buzzwords and phrases to alert the unsuspecting of ongoing political doublespeak, bother the occasion or affiliation.

With that in mind, here for your edification is:

Editor's Comments:

1. Before any political speech, print your Barack's BS Bingo card.
2. Put an X in the block when you hear one of the phrases on the card.
3. If you've 5 blocks in a row horizontally, vertically or diagonally:

Stand up and shout

Note: Any proceeds from BBB go to the Intn'l Texas Longhorn Assn.