Saturday, August 29, 2009

Nowhere to run...

Nowhere to hide Dept:
Editor's Comment: .I hope to GOD that's Batman...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The J.D.

Homewrecker's Dept:
Dateline: Bucks ND
Kevin McReynolds who pleaded guilty last April
to attackinglhislnext door neighbor's home with
a chainsawlwilllbe paroled next week and requir-
ed to live with his parents in Pensacola, Florida.
Editor's Comments:
The parents contend that the sentence is in contempt of a decision by a Florida court which ordered Kevin to leave their home and move to North Dakota a scant 6 months ago when he dismantled and sold their front porch to a shady housing constructor at a local auction.
Kevin is not real happy either because he knows that Mom will make him sit in the corner in his bad boy chair for at least a month.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dracula's Digs

House of Horrors Dept:
Bob Hill and his wife Betty were vacationing in
Europe, as it happens in mid-Transylvania.
Driving a rental alonglaldeserted highway, Bob
could barely see in front of the car sincelitlwas
raining hard and darker than the inside of a cat.
Suddenly, the auto skidded out of control!!!
Bob triedlhislbestltolavoid an accident, but the car swerved and ran smack-dab into a huge old oak tree.
Moments later, shaking his head to clear the fog, he looked overlatlthelpassenger seat and sawlhislwife, unconscious, her head bleeding from injuries.
Despite the rain and unfamiliar countryside, Bob well knew that he had to get medical help so he picked up his wife and be- gan slowly plodding down the road toward dim lights, far far ahead.
As he got closer he could see that the lights came from a huge old house. He approachedlthelfront door, aged and ravaged by time, and... slooowly knocked...
After but a moment's wait, the door creaked open and a small hunchbacked man peered out suspiciously.
Help us!lBob pleaded. .We've been inlalterrible wreck. My wifelislbadlylinjuredlandlneedslalDoctor now!!
May I please use your phone to call a hospital?
I'm sorry that we don't have a phone the hunchback replied, but my Master is a Doctor. .Come in and I'll fetch him as quickly as I can.
Shortly a strange looking middle-aged man came down the stairs. .Pale of complexion, he wore a black top-hat and a cloak which was thrown over a wrinkled tuxedo.
Stranger yet, his teeth were quite long...and pointed!
The caped man looked Bob and Betty up-and-down for a long moment, pursing his lips as if deep in thought.
I'm afraid my Assistant may have misled you he said surreptitiously.
I am not a medical doctor; I'm a scientist. But it is many miles to the nearest clinic, and as I have had basic medical training, I'll give this a shot and see what I can do to help your poor injured wife.
Igor, bring them both into the laboratory commanded the Doctor.
So Igor picked up the still comatose Betty and carried her down down down the looooong flight of stairs with Bob following closely behind.
But as soon as Igor laid Betty on a gurney, Bob collapsed from his own injuries as well as exhaustion; so Igor put him on an adjoining gurney.
Though the Doctor worked feverishly, he wasn't able to save the Hills.
Both goners forever, they were deader than a bleeding door nail.
Deeply upset at what he considered his failure, Igor's Lord and Master wearily climbedlthelstairs to an elaborate conservatory and his Möller Deluxelorgan; .a huge instrument having 128 ranks of pipes and 4 manuals, for it was there that he found peace and solitude.
As he began to play Bach's Tocatta and Fugue in D Mi- nor,lthelhaunting throb of its eerie melody spilled out of the house into the dark forbidding countryside.
Meanwhile, Igor the hunchback was back in the laboratory tiding up when he noticed Betty's little pinky twitching in time to the music.
Stunned, he watched as Bob's arm began to rise, also moving in time, marking the provocative beat with a rock-steady rhythm of his own.
Then Igor tooklalfearful step backwards, his mouth voicinglalsilent scream, as both Bob and Betty sat straight up on their gurneys!
Unable to contain himself he fled from the laboratory and rushed up the twisting stairs to the conservatory and the safety of his Master.
As he burst in, he shouted:
Master, MASTER...
The Hills are alive, with the sound of music!
Editor's Comments: I am so sorry! .I just couldn't help myself...
The hills are aliiiiive
With the sound of muuusiiic
With songs they have suung
For a thousand yeeeearrrs...
The Hills are Alive

Thanks to SGM (Ret) Mike Podmenik!  RIP my friend.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Heckler

Pest Control Dept:
Authorities in Philadelphia cited a popular rest- aurant for outside garbage storage problems...
Inside garbagelstorage problemslwouldlhave been another story altogether, becauseliflthey were addressed in any manner, halflthelstand- ing menu would be on the Health Dept.'s hit list.
... after rats were discovered in four overhead air-conditioning ducts.
Rats aren't dumb..They like to keep cool too.
The Philadelphia Herald News reported that Dr. Ryan Dickson of the Alhambra County Dentist's Association had just begun his address at
a dinner meeting of The Patriots at Polly's Pollynesian Palace when a rat fell onto the floor from a ceiling duct above.
It isn't known whether the ratlwas pushed, orlsimply went to sleep during opening comments of what promised to be a tedious evening.
After mooning the speaker, the rat quickly scampered offlinlfull view of startled diners who later claimed that the rat's presentation not on- ly said more, but was far and away more entertaining than Dickson's.
Editor's Comments:
See? .Rats are smart. .They know exactly whenltolget-out-of-Dodge!!
It was however, somewhat rude to leave before the closing remarks.

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Four Amigos

Daydreaming Dept:
I gaze at the full brilliant moon; the same one I think to myself upon which Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle themselves gazed long ago.
Suddenly I imagine that they all appear out of nowhere and miraculously stand beside me.
I tell Socrates about the nationalldebate over one's right to die...we discuss the constancy of humankind throughout the ages at length.

.....I tell Plato that I live in a country that's come
    the closestltolUtopia, then I show him a
    copy of our nation's brilliant Constitution..

I tell Aristotle that we have found many more than four basic elements and I show him what is now a much expanded periodic table.

Then I find a full box of kitchen matches. I strike one to satisfy their puzzled looks...

They gasp with wonder...

Editor's Comments:

We spend the rest of the night lighting farts...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Original Alternative Rock

Thou Shalt Not Dept:

Editor's Comments:
GOD created this music over 3000 years ago.
It STILL rocks!!!