Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Faux Pas

Oops Dept:
Jeff put on his casual face, hoping that
no one would notice he'd just farted.
Editor's Comment: .Too late Jeff...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?

Final Exam Dept:
We all fail at times, but there's something a- bout failing with style that somehow seems
to spell success. .Here are answers from ap- parentlylclueless,lyet lunconsciouslylbril- liant studentslinlour secondary school sys- tems when askedlquestions about their recent studies.
The Classics:
Question: Name one of the early Romans' greatest achievements.
Answer:....Learning to speak Latin.
Question: Explain why phosphorus tricloride (PCl3) is polar.
Answer:....Because God made it that way.
The Classics:
Question: What were the circumstances of Julius Caesar's death?
Answer:....Suspicious ones.
Question: Give an example of a smoking-related disease.
Answer:....Early death.
Question: What does the term "lava" mean?
Answer:....A prepubescent caterpillar.
Question: What is a plasmid?
Answer:....A high-definition television.
Question: Christians only have one spouse; what is this called?
Answer:....Monotony. ..No, wait - Torture.
Question: Name an environmental side effect of burning fossil fuels.
Question: Name one famous Greek landmark.
Answer:....The most famous Greek landmark is the Apocalypse.
Question: Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?
Answer:....At the bottom.

Question: The people known as Malays originated in which country?
Question: Name two personal pronouns.
Answer:....Who, me?
Math: ............................n
Question: Expand (a+b)
.....................( .a. ..+ ...b .).................n
(Math teacher's note): Very funny Jimmy...
Editor's Comments:
Does everyone out there realize that these little monsters; our future hopes, our future dreams, our future leaders all; are someday to be tasked with the survival of the entire species??
The good news is that even if they don't know, they're trying.
I think that there may be hope...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Li-ver-POOL - Li-ver-POOL

.......Facebook.........I know they look like coffee
......Comment:.......beans, but the book on 'em
................................says they're goose livers!!!

Christina's Ice Cream Dept:

Dear Readers
RaylFord,lproudlownerlandloperatorloflChristina's Ice Cream, Cambridge, MA is an ardent fan of the Liverpool Football Club, L.F.C.
Since he's been takinglalbitloflconcentrated (but good-natured) guff from the opposition as of late, I recently created the mélange seen on today's post then added it to Ray's Facebook wall to bolster his spirits.
He seemed to like it, so with his tacit approval I'm taking the liberty of publishing it to the world.... along with, of course, a healthy plug for:
Ray's business is booming as well it should, since he markets a state- of-the-art product, recognized by folks throughout the northeastern part of the U.S. of A. as the crème de la (ice) crème of frozen treats.
He supplies numerous establishments in the greater Boston area with world-class ice-cream, caters to countlessllocal events, and has been cited for excellence by the media on a number of occasions.
Ray also sells a wide range of premium spices next to his walk-in ice cream parlor, with gift-packaging available for festive occasions.
Read all about the fame and fortune of Ray and Christina's at:
Editor's Comments:
Oh yeah - even though Ray my than good friend, that doesn't change anything... honest!

I already get free ice cream and coffee whenever I visit!
Such a Prince is he...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cash for Clunkers

Honest John's Fine Jalopies Dept:
Cars..........100% Financing........2001
Trucks..TAXES/TITLE/TAG..and up
Vans.......Included w/payments..models

....................Drive home with
...............-Several to choose from-
2005 ..Dodge Caravan
.............2 tone, all equipment
2004 ..Camero Berlinetta
2003 ..Dodge Ram Charger SE
.............for the man's man
Editor's Comments:
This is probably the very first totally honest used car advertisement that I have ever seen. .Being this honest might even be a sneaky way
of getting rich quick... and it's all 100% legal and above board.
I LUUUUUUV theese country!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Lion's Share

Seafood Dept:
Dateline Seattle:
Hungry sea lions have been eating nearly
half the salmon and steelheads that swim
upstream to spawn in Lake Washington.
OK... it's their ocean and they gotta eat...
The sea lions find exceptionally good fish-
ing at Seattle's Ballard Locks fish ladder.
And takelitlfromlanlold-time fisherman,
they're bitin' it draws a big crowd.
According to biologist Bob Pfiefer, the sea
lions aren't fazed by M-80 firecrackers...
Especiallyliflthey're stilllinlthe box, unlit
and soaked through with river water.
Going a step further fireworks were used
butlseallions weren't afraid of them either.
Notlonlylwereltheylunafraid, theylwent
and ahhhh when thelsky lit up.
Experts triedlprotectinglthelfishlbylplay-
ing loud tapes of various bands...
This sounds like a real expert solution...
... including music by Motley Crue...
Which only drew more sea lions, who're
real good whenlit comes to spreadin' the
word about a free con
cert in town.
... and speeches by Muhammar Khaddafi.
Which expert got the bright idea that sea
lions would under
stand Arabic any more
than a boxful of M-80s or
Editor's Comments:
The problem was neatly solved when oneloflthe experts' kids convinced his Papa to set up a big- screen TV and run old black-and-white episodes
of The Adventures of Flipper.
Enraptured by the escapades of the heroic dolphin, the sea lions sat spellbound for hours on end, glued in front of the telly, cheering on their distant kin.

When they learned about Campbell's chicken noodle soup during a commercial break, they went right out and bought a couple of cases.
It turns out they liked it so much that they
gave up both steelheads and salmon forever. .The problem was over for good and all!
Now THAT was an expert solution!!
.Nice goin' kid!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Heist

Gold Silver and Jewels Dept:
Would be robbers chased an armored car on
a highwaylnearlAtlanticlCity today, but fled
after it crashed and rolled over.
I thot that was the point...
Before being taken tola local hospital for ob-
servation the driver locked the armored car
which was now lying on its side.
Good man! As a result however he suffered
a double hernialtrying to lift the truck high
enough to lock the door on the driver's side
which was next to the ground at the time.
According to the Ocean City Sun, police had
to use acetylene torches to open the vehicle
and secure its supposedly valuable contents,
Yeah right! .Like it wasn't secure enough al-
ready, locked up tight in an armored car...
... which turned out to be a takeout lunch in-
tended for New York real estate tycoon and
Atlantic City casino owner Donald Trump.
a high-dollar order of corned beef on rye
with extra-hot horseradish and a pickle.
Trump, who has his lunch brought to his ca-
sino office from a delicatessen in downtown
Manhattan, could not be reached for...
Editor's Comments:
The district police chief admitted that although several local inhabi- tants had been identified as possible suspects to the crime, the case was mired and at a complete standstill since the evidence had now (quote) buuuuurp... unfortunately disappeared... (unquote).

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Gospel Truth

But I already had a bath Dept:
.....United Presbyterian Informer
Coming Events Section:
Sunday afternoon, there will be a meeting
in the North and South ends of the church.
Children will be baptized at both ends.
Editor's Comments:
I've always said that there's nothing wrong in being thorough... but(t) in THIS case... it does seem to be just a bit extreme.

I guess it's their church and they can baptize anyway they want.

Still, I do hope that accidents are held to a minimum and that patience prevails for all during these more than unusual rituals.
I wonder what John the Baptist would have to say?