Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Orchestra

Maestro Kaplin learns the hard way that the phrase
Would you please play that part louder
is never to be spoken to the trombone section.

Editor's Comment:
The Editor is sure that the percussionists, not to be outdone, will have something to say about this; probably sooner rather than later.

The Solution


M1A1 .50 caliber Clarinet with night-vision scope

Editor's Comments:
The Editor has just read that the purpose of this fine weapon is for use on singers who abuse the National Anthem at sporting events.

Roseanne, watch your back!

The Conductor


Editor's Comment:
Too many stick-wavers out there couldn't conduct electricity if their life depended on it... but the ensemble has no choice but to suffer on in silent, unspeakable and tortuous agony.

Persuading them to give up the stick in the name of humanity is all but impossible. All plausible attempts at reason go either unheard, unnoticed or flat ignored.

Good Phaedeux... good doggie.  Better still, "good luck".

Sunday, February 5, 2012

It ain't rocket science, folks.


The budget explained in simple English:

Federal Budget:                   $3,820,000,000,000 
 United States Tax Revenue:       $2,170,000,000,000
 New Debt:                        $1,650,000,000,000
National Debt:                   $14,271,000,000,000
Recent Budget Cuts by Washington     $38,500,000,000
(of which our politicians are so smugly proud)

Now, remove 8 zeros. Pretend it's your household budget:

Money the Family Spent:           $38,200
 Annual Family Income:            $21,700
 New Credit Card Debt:            $16,500
Outstanding Credit Card Balance: $142,710
Recent Emergency Spending Cuts:      $385
(to balance the family budget, you know)

Editor's Comment: Vote on Tuesday November 6, 2012!