Saturday, July 4, 2009


Watch your step Dept:
... sign at the front desk of a Tokyo hotel ...
.....................of the
Editor's Comment:


What they didn't say is that she's a 4th degree black belt...

Friday, July 3, 2009

Surf's Up

Bizzare Combinations Dept:

Editor's Comments:
Stretching my imagination to its limits, I come up with only three conclusions to the message sent by this otherwise curious billboard:

1) .It's an advertisement about a Bible class.
2) They are currently up to the book of Exodus...
3) ... reading about the Israelites and the parting of the Red Sea.

I wonder if Moses knew how to hang ten?

Maybe they'll find out. I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

"Breaking" News

Do Tell! Dept:


.........Wind can be a major factor in the in-
.........crease of winter heating bills.
.........A natural way to lessen the effect of
.........the wind significantly is to use trees a windbreak...

Editor's Comments:
So THAT'S what has been waking me up all night long!

I have this big oak just outside my bedroom window and I'm more than sure that it must be the culprit.
It's probably payback for the time when I cut off all its lower branches with a chain-saw to keep the neighborhood kids from climbing it.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce...

Expensive Misprints Dept:

.............BUY ONE
................14 LB.
..............1 Coupon
...........Per Customer
...............Per Visit
.............This coupon
............not valid with
............other specials.

Editor's Comment:
Oh please please please... pleeeease... let it be true just this one time and I promise never to ask for anything ever again!.EVER!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Peek-a-boo... I see you!

.Signs of the Times:
......................|...REAL ESTATE.-|--------------------------*
......................|..INFORMATION.|KE Stocktin CA.....-|
......................|..............**..............|NUDIST Supplies-.|
......................|.NO DRESS CODE.|........------>......-..-.....|
......................|.....Stop 'n chat!.- .|GULAR GAS 2.87--.|

Editor's Comments:
When I saw these signs on a recent trip out west, I stopped at the Real Estate office to see if there were any interesting customers inside.

After I signed a six-month lease for a house with a second-story win- dow overlooking two beaches, I decided to try and find out exactly what the difference was between nudist supplies and regular supplies.

When I went in the gas station to see for myself.I was told that all they sell is suntan lotion and beer.

I couldn't even buy a pair of trunks!!

Can you imagine?

Oh well... when in Rome...

Monday, June 29, 2009

Population Earth

Roadsign of the times:
.........City Limits
.......... pop. 2191
......-.......-... 2189
Editor's Comments:
This is the sign that greeted Rod Taylor (The Time Traveler) in the original take of H.G. Wells' The Time Machine when he stopped in the year 802,701 A.D. and found the entire human race represented by:

... the lovable good guys; lacking the brains that God gave a billy- goat, flaxen-haired spiritless weenies helpless as fish-out-of-water.
... the despicable bad guys; monsters all, who had a nasty habit of dining on grilled fillet of plump juicy Eloi every chance they got.
The scene hit the cutting room floor when it was discovered that due to a recent holiday bash by the Morlocks, the count of Earth's inhabi- tants had been reduced by some 14 Eloi.
As we all know, later in the movie Rod took care of all the Morlocks in short order and as a result, saved the Eloi from total extinction.
Yaaaaay!! .Way to go ROD!!
He did this brave deed not to be macho, not to be a hero, not even to nobly save mankind from extermination, but to give himself a chance at sweet-talking childlike, innocent and gullible Yvette Mimieaux...
Weena;the stunning Eloi equivalent of a dumber-than-dumb blond..
... into making a serious effort towards restoring the population count of Earth to a more respectable level.
This is also why he left his 19th century friends, his home, his beloved laboratory and his 1st-Class-A-Number-1-Housekeeper Mrs. Watchett once and for all at the end of the show.
They thought that he'd stumbled -in great disarray yet- allll the way back to 1899 from 802,701 just to eat a dinner of leg-of-lamb, boiled potatoes and peas with them; afterwards giving a ho-hum synopsis on the most recent developments of his farfetched experiments in time.

How naive; but in a word...

As a matter of .fact, although.he could deal with the boiled .potatoes and peas part quite well, he had always secretly detested leg-of-lamb.

However as a staunch true-blue and loyal Englishman, he could never quite bring himself to actually say so out-loud.
Really all he wanted to do was grab a toothbrush, his straight-razor, pipe and slippers, a tin or so of Earl Grey, and a couple of changes of shorts before madly dashing away from London fog, his stodgy cigar-smoking friends and leg-of-lamb forever; far far away-back to the dis- tant future and into Yvette's eagerly waiting arms for all of eternity.
And so he did! .How EXCITING!!

It didn't even matter that in his haste he had quite forgotten to bring along milk for his afternoon tea because...

What a happy ending!!

.I wonder if he could use some help ...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Load Limit

Roadsign of the times:
.........10 TON BRIDE AHEAD
Editor's Comment: .
Extra good on a cold winter's night...