Saturday, January 22, 2011

Shaken, Not Stirred...

That's What You Think Dept:

Screwdrivers Were Made to
Tighten, Loosen Screws

While it might seem that one or two screw drivers enough for households without any do-it-yourselfers,.even the unhandiest of families may need several.
Selected local residents were recently surveyed...

Editor's Comments:
When it comes to screwdrivers, The Editor only thinks about the drinking kind; and then, only in the category of .'several at a time'.

For all the other stuff, I call my long-time handyman. Then I do my screwdriver thing while he does his and everybody goes home happy.

Mud in your eye...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Philosophers

Dear Readers,

The following real-life conversation was recently observed online:

Is wondering why they have Braille on the key panel of drive-through ATM machines...
... yada yada yada

I have thought about that very same thing! Go figure!!!
... yada yada yada
Peggy Sue:
I have often pondered this myself.  Have you ever touched the bumps? I did, just to see how they felt, and wondered what they meant. Now, what is written in Braille on the key panel?
Editor's Comment:
Now, what is written in Braille on the key panel?

What an intriguing question!  Burning for an answer, The Editor made a beeline for the nearest drive-through.  After extensive investigation, using the Braille under number 6 on the numeric keypad as a test vehicle, four distinct possibilities emerged as to the precise meaning of the puzzling bumps:

1. Beef with Broccoli 芥兰牛肉 
    ... although this might very well be translated as:
2. Happy Family 幸福家庭 
    ... since the middle bumps seemed a bit worn
3. You're not blind!  Why are you pushing me?
....Help Security...
 ... strangely enough, the final possibility is...
 4. the number 6

Research continues as the truth is out there somewhere...