Thursday, July 30, 2009
Bill of Fair
Workaholic Dept:
LThere are only 24 hours in a day, but not
on the bills for legal services submitted by
the law firm of Forres D. Elliot & Sons.
Awardedlthelcontract lto defend Missouri
against injured workers who file deceptive
claims against thelstate's 2nd Injury Fund,
Elliot recently submitted bills showing five
days duringlwhich both he and his staff as-
sertively worked more than 24 hours.
The Office oflthelComptroller paid all of the
bills promptly, apparently with no question
being made to the exorbitant charges.
May 20th was especially lucrative for Elliot,
whose fee is a standard $70 per hour.
Thatldaylhis statementlshowedltotals of 71
hours worked for himself and 61.1 for his pa-
ralegal, for whom he charges $35 per hour.
The grand total of $440,000lpaid to the leg-
al team is a record amount for any....
Editor's Comments:
The first thing that caught my eye in this article was the hoosier's name, Forres D. .Never having heard of Forres as a man's name before, I wondered what's up with that anyway???
But after asking around, it turns out that Forres D. is the way they spell Forrest all over the state of Mizzou!
This must be one of the reasons that Missouri's well-known nick- name is 'The Show Me State'. Be that as it may, it's plain to see that nobody ever showed them much at all about speling.
At first glance, this might not sound like it's that big of a deal at all,
but in reality it's a slammer of a put-down since even the nearby Alabama Gumps have long known how to spell Forrest.
And the tab to MO for just ONE attorney was $440,000 ???
It sounds like Elliot himself may have learned a bit about the word deceptive from the injured workers does it not?
With but a sliver of common sense, it don't take no Harvard graduate to figure out that if the state is ready willing and able to cough up that kind of cash, it'd be both simpler and cheaper to pay the piddling little dab of worker's comp in the first place and be done with it all.
So on top of spelling, it seems that nobody ever showed Missouri's bureaucrats anything about common sense either. .Of course that's more than true about bureaucrats in any state of the union.
Oh where art thou Thomas Paine* when we are trulie in neede of thy great, bountiful, wise, and artful counsel...
* Thomas Paine was the noted American patriot and author who wrote the revolutionary pamphlet Common Sense, in 1776.
Oh well... what was it that Forrest's Mama used to say?...
Stupid is as stupid does !
Maybe Forrest wasn't much, but Mama Gump was a genius...
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