Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Polish is as Polish does

A customer asks a stock boy, 

Where can I find the Polish sausage?

The boy asks, Are you Polish?

The man, clearly offended, says, Yes I am. 

But let me ask you some questions.

If I ask for pepperoni, am I Italian?

Or if I ask for bratwurst, am I German?

If I ask for a kosher hot dog am I Jewish?

Or if I ask for chow mein am I Chinese?
If I ask for Gruyere am I from Switzerland?

How about apple pie? If I ask for apple pie am I A m e r i c a n?

The clerk said, No, not necessarily.

If I ask for a taco, am I Mexican? says the man continuing on, his voice starting to rise.

The clerk replies, No, no, no - not necessarily.

So just because I ask for Polish sausage, why do you ask if I'm Polish? screams the guy.


... whereupon the clerk says calmly...

Because, Mister; you're at Home Depot!!

Editor's Comment:
I wonder if the schmo ever found out where the Polish sausage was?

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