Friday, July 24, 2009


Law and Order Dept:
This Week's Local Crimes:
....................JEEP STOLEN
.....A Beltin man reported to police that
.....sometime between 10 p.m. Saturday
.....and 12 noon Sunday, a 1985 vintage
.....CJ7 Jeep was stolen from in front of
.....his girlfriend's home on Lucky St.
.....The Jeep, valued at over $5000 and
.....bearing Idaho plate number AM851,
.....was parked in front of the Bent Tree
.....Apartment complex by the...
.....Police are unsure how entry into the was made, but said that the door
.....on the driver's side had been recent- removed due to ongoing...
Editor's Comments:
After they discovered that detectives at the scene of the crime were unable to figure out how thieves had been able to get into the vehicle, followups by the daily paper showed no mercy to the Men in Blue.
"Even a rookie patrolman should have at least a small clue to this deep dark mystery seeing as how there was no door on the driver's side of the vehicle." quipped one well-known columnist for the rag.
But the cops for once had the last laugh.
It turns out that when the thief was apprehended, he bragged that it was a piece of cake to get into the Jeep because the door on the pas- senger's side had carelessly been left unlocked by the owner.

This sounds like a classic case of dumb and dumber to me...
I for one ALWAYS lock the doors of my car when it's unattended...

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