Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hey Diddle Diddle...

Mad Cow Dept:
..............LOCAL MAN HIT BY COW
..........A .Cresston man was run over by a
..........cow while he was riding his bicycle the corner of Sycamore and Oak
..........streets Saturday afternoon.
..........According to the police report Don
..........Jakobbsen was .uninjured after the
..........cow ran over him while he rode his
..........bicycle, which was a total loss.
..........The cow had escaped from a veteri-
..........nary clinic at 1509 Crossman Rd.
Editor's Comments:
Now it may seem strange that a man would be run over by a cow, but stranger things have happened.
It seems that the cow, after sawing through the bars of its cage in the clinic, had stolen a 1947 Plymouth coupe to complete its getaway.
Not being familiar with stick-shift, it lost control of the vehicle, run- ning over Jakobbsen in the process.
The terrified cow fled the scene of the accident, panicked, and....

...jumped over the moon.

The little dog laughed to see such sport,
and the dish ran away with the spoon!
How about that!!
When things like this actually happen, all of those childhood nursery rhymes don't seem quite so far-fetched anymore do they?

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