Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Grandstanding Dept:
Sports Section:
New York, N.Y.
......A woman climbed to the top of
......the left-field foul pole at empty
......Shea Stadium yesterday, jump-
......ed over 120 feet .onto the play-
......ing field,.and .survived, accord-
......ing to a police spokesman.
......The .42-year-old woman, who
......had been, despondent over re-
......cent.financial losses, landed in
......what .would .be foul .territory
......during.a game...
Editor's Comments:
... if the ball lands in foul territory or is touched by a player in foul territory, it is a foul ball. Standard Rules & Regulations of Baseball

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that that jump or no-jump, this woman is a genuine first-class foul ball all by her lonesome.

For those of you who don't know that much about baseball, what this means is that even though the she had two strikes on her it's not over ... at least not quite yet.
She gets to jump again to see if she can finally get it right.

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