Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Gator Aid

Crocodile Hunter Dept:
A sick alligator was reported in a pond on
Hendrix Road June 8 by Ms. Gloria Stone
ofl28lRiverviewlCourt, Ft. Slaughterdale.
Stone said she called 911 because she hop-
edlthatlthey would send someone to take
care of the "poor darling little thing".
Police came, but after observing the 9 foot
gator for 10 minutes quickly left the scene
without making a report, telling Ms. Stone
that it didn't look that sick to them.
Editor's Comments:
Picking up the request from the dispatcher on my Bearcat scanner, I was able to reach the scene in time to witness this incident firsthand.
What happened was that the officers told the truth...
...but not the whole truth.
It's true that the alligator did not look sick... not when I saw it!
It looked mad... and not only mad, but MAD as HELL!!
The fact of the matter was, the police did not want ANY PART of a mad alligator AT - A-LLL!! .Not even a LITTLE bit!

They decided to leave well enough alone and hope that it would go somewhere else. Besides, since it was past the time for their coffee break, they reasoned that before getting too rash it would be much better to talk things through and come up with a game-plan of sorts over a cup or 3 of java and a heaping plateful of Bismarks at the nearest Dunkin' Donuts - wherever that might be.
But I was curious as to how a sick alligator might actually look.
So I called Ms. Stone to find out.
She said that when she saw the reptile, it had a runny nose, an icepack on its head, and a thermometer in its mouth.
Ask a silly question...

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