Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Great Banana Shootout

Unregistered Weapons Dept:
Dateline: Anchorage, AK:
A man armed with a banana in a bag didn't give police Sergeant Roger O'Lyon the slip.
The robber held up seven convenience stores,
groceries andlfast-foodlrestaurants Thursday
morning using a large semi-concealed banana.
After a brief chase, O'Lyon was able to arrest
Peter Randal31,lof Anchorage who hid in the
produce section of O'Herlihie's Supermarket.
In an attempt to get rid of his weapon, Randa
tried to eat the banana, but was stopped by...
Charged with seven counts of armed robbery,
Randa is currently being held in the...
Editor's Comments:
This article makes the police look like investigative heroes.
Really they knew who and where the culprit was after the 1st robbery, but were afraid to do anything while the banana was still loaded.
Of course as most everyone knows, after six shots you're out of ammo so after the sixth holdup when there was no danger of anyone getting hurt, the gendarmes sprang into action and Officer O'Lyon was able to nab the crook just as he was about to consume his heater.
The cops were somewhat baffled when the results of numerous ballis- tics tests on the banana turned up negative. .But this did not develop into a real issue since the charge of armed robbery had to be dropped due to a lengthy wait for a court appearance which caused Exhibit A of the prosecution's evidence to rot in it's brown paper sack.
All of this may seem very strange, but the truth of the matter is that it had been such a long time since anyone in Anchorage had even seen a banana that they were at a total loss on how to handle the unusual situation, procedures not being addressed in police training manuals.

I wonder what caliber of banana it was?

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