Thursday, August 20, 2009

Li-ver-POOL - Li-ver-POOL

.......Facebook.........I know they look like coffee
......Comment:.......beans, but the book on 'em
................................says they're goose livers!!!

Christina's Ice Cream Dept:

Dear Readers
RaylFord,lproudlownerlandloperatorloflChristina's Ice Cream, Cambridge, MA is an ardent fan of the Liverpool Football Club, L.F.C.
Since he's been takinglalbitloflconcentrated (but good-natured) guff from the opposition as of late, I recently created the mélange seen on today's post then added it to Ray's Facebook wall to bolster his spirits.
He seemed to like it, so with his tacit approval I'm taking the liberty of publishing it to the world.... along with, of course, a healthy plug for:
Ray's business is booming as well it should, since he markets a state- of-the-art product, recognized by folks throughout the northeastern part of the U.S. of A. as the crème de la (ice) crème of frozen treats.
He supplies numerous establishments in the greater Boston area with world-class ice-cream, caters to countlessllocal events, and has been cited for excellence by the media on a number of occasions.
Ray also sells a wide range of premium spices next to his walk-in ice cream parlor, with gift-packaging available for festive occasions.
Read all about the fame and fortune of Ray and Christina's at:
Editor's Comments:
Oh yeah - even though Ray my than good friend, that doesn't change anything... honest!

I already get free ice cream and coffee whenever I visit!
Such a Prince is he...

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