Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Lion's Share

Seafood Dept:
Dateline Seattle:
Hungry sea lions have been eating nearly
half the salmon and steelheads that swim
upstream to spawn in Lake Washington.
OK... it's their ocean and they gotta eat...
The sea lions find exceptionally good fish-
ing at Seattle's Ballard Locks fish ladder.
And takelitlfromlanlold-time fisherman,
they're bitin' it draws a big crowd.
According to biologist Bob Pfiefer, the sea
lions aren't fazed by M-80 firecrackers...
Especiallyliflthey're stilllinlthe box, unlit
and soaked through with river water.
Going a step further fireworks were used
butlseallions weren't afraid of them either.
Notlonlylwereltheylunafraid, theylwent
and ahhhh when thelsky lit up.
Experts triedlprotectinglthelfishlbylplay-
ing loud tapes of various bands...
This sounds like a real expert solution...
... including music by Motley Crue...
Which only drew more sea lions, who're
real good whenlit comes to spreadin' the
word about a free con
cert in town.
... and speeches by Muhammar Khaddafi.
Which expert got the bright idea that sea
lions would under
stand Arabic any more
than a boxful of M-80s or
Editor's Comments:
The problem was neatly solved when oneloflthe experts' kids convinced his Papa to set up a big- screen TV and run old black-and-white episodes
of The Adventures of Flipper.
Enraptured by the escapades of the heroic dolphin, the sea lions sat spellbound for hours on end, glued in front of the telly, cheering on their distant kin.

When they learned about Campbell's chicken noodle soup during a commercial break, they went right out and bought a couple of cases.
It turns out they liked it so much that they
gave up both steelheads and salmon forever. .The problem was over for good and all!
Now THAT was an expert solution!!
.Nice goin' kid!!

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