Dear Readers: .With the publication of A Short and Pungent Review and Postscripts, we have at long last reached the conclusion of the exciting adventures of Toranaga and Anjin-san.
Our tale of ShoNuff ShoGun now stands complete.
As a consequence, I will now return to my normal(?) [rolls eyes] everyday Facebook posts.
Although thrilled overall that the work has now been re-composed and published in its entirety, there remain mixed emotions about wrapping up the exploits of our two heroes since I so thoroughly enjoyed the daily tasks of reorganizing, writing, editing, re-editing and re-re-editing both the text and design of each chapter.
To tell the truth, transcribing the tale from blog to Facebook format was a bigger chore than I thought it would be especially since I added a significant amount of clip art as well as links to make each individual chapter clickable (tell me you didn't click on clickable) - Gotcha :-)
On top of that, much to my great surprise I ended up rewriting entire chapters of the story itself, mostly in the interest of splitting episodes that I felt were a bit long, but sometimes to add an extra twist or turn.
This proved to be a very time consuming process.
I really hadn't planned to do that much editing when I started out but I'm glad I did since (to me anyway), ShoNuff ShoGun ended up the better for it when all was said and done.
During the modification process, since it kept coming to me (at times in the middle of the night... grrr) I also ended up adding a good deal of new material to include The End of It All chapters and a totally different Epilogue.
I was pleased in particular with the new epilogue since I was able to work in a favorite writing technique known as role reversal.
At first I hesitated to make such drastic changes, but I finally talked myself into it. Why quit when you're on a 'role', I said to me.
But as the title above suggests, sadly enough it's now a done deal.
Maybe I can console myself with the thought that thanks to my vast stash of zany files and emails, I've almost unlimited blog material at my disposal (at least for the immediate future); all of it made up of copy yet to be viewed by the general public.
We'll see.
Until all of our tomorrows I remain,
Yours in continuing madness, lunacy and good times, grins, perhaps a few chuckles, a bit of folly, and hopefully, from time to time even a little unrestrained, unabashed laughter... out loud of course,
The Editor
... and now, Dear Readers -
Why don't you read the story again... this time straight through... if not for the sheer unadulterated joy of it, then for continuity's sake.
If you will do this over-and-over again, you might be able to waste ALL of your time. In programmer speak it's called an endless loop.
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