Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Morning After the Night Before

Point of medical interest...

According to a nationally certified Journal of
Medicine, Communion wafers used in church services can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloating associated to excessive buildup
of accompanying intestinal gasses.

Editor's comments:

This is very true...

I know because it happened to me. I remember it well since the night before, I'd celebrated my 40th birthday...THE BIG FOUR-OH!

I had a little more than a half case of brewski that night, and downed three or four good si- zed bowls of  Texas Jailhouse Chili with onions and tabasco on top followed by birthday cake and homemade ice-cream (cranked it myself).

What a bash it was! You shudda been there!

*This is the actual picture of my German chocolate 40th birthday cake. It reads:

Happy Birthday To Me

I ate every crumb! Boyhowdy was it GOOD!

Later that evening I woke up with the hungries so I called out and ordered a large-sized pizza supreme with extra cheese which I washed down with a couple of 8 oz glasses of warm creme-de-menthe... for my breath you know.

Hmmm - but I don't drink creme-de-menthe, so it must have been Listermint. .At that point I really wasn't paying much attention.

When I woke up the next morning, I had cold leftover pizza supreme for breakfast along with a stiff bloody mary, two Irish coffees and OJ since I seemed to have a bit of a hangover.

Feeling a little guilty, later on I went to church where I am sure I took Communion because afterwards I experienced every single one of the symptoms mentioned in the article above.

I never was so sick in all my life. I don't remember how many of those little old white Communion wafers I took when the Pastor stopped in front of me, probably just a handful. Maybe I shouldn't have put quite as much picante sauce on them. I don't know.

Anyway, I have not taken Communion since. 

Those dadgum little wafers really did me in!

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