Friday, May 1, 2009

ShoNuff ShoGun, Chapter VIII

Part the eighth: (Glossary)
The End of it All: The Good Bad Guys

Tying up some loose ends as the credits roll by faster than you can possibly read: 
Narrated by Orson Wells
(behind the theme song to Indiana Jones)

As a result of the Anjin's rise to power, the life of the house-gardener was spared. Grateful beyond words, he developed the very strain of cherry blossom tree presented by the Lord Mayor of Tokyo in 1912 as a cultural gift to the city of Washington D.C., capital of the U.S. of A.

Using heretofore unknown processes of cloning and grafting, he also went on to create the world-renowned Pillsberry Flower, also to be endowed to the burgeoning but yet to be nation of The United States as a further token of lasting friendship.

Regrettably, the intended purpose of the Pillsberry Flower was misinterpreted due to a clerical error and it was milled, sifted, mixed with 8 dozen extra- large grade-A eggs, various spices, exotic fruits, for-real butter and 6 pounds of sugar, then slowly baked into a 42 pound pineapple upside-down cake which proceeded to fall before it ever left the oven.
Oops...gotta remember that baking-powder guys.

What a pity; but that's your government workers for you.
The upside of this tragedy was that The Pillsberry Food Group, a new Fortune 500 corporation was born and thrives as we speak.
The choreographer sentenced to death by Toranaga was pardoned as well, but had to convert to a new genre known as tap-dancing when he developed a tendency towards severe and unexpected convulsions of the lower extremities during rehearsals.
His style may be seen by watching any old Fred Astaire movie.
The koroshiya avoided his fate by ignoring Toranaga's command to behead himself.  In case anyone had overheard his Lord's order of decapitation, he fled the country and emigrated to France to avoid possible consequences of the most serious nature.
It is rumored that in later years, a number of his descendants were sent to the revolting Caribbean nation of Haiti by order of a French dictator named Napoleon Bonaparte where they were commissioned to ply their grisly trade in an attempt to subdue the revolutionaries.
However the biggest task during the transition of power fell to Anjin-san himself;  that being what exactly to do with Toranaga, still imprisoned and slowly rotting away in a fetid dungeon cell far, far below the splendid halls of Nihon Castle.

So much for the Supporting Cast!

Click here to see how Anjin-san
  handles Toranaga in
Chapter IX of 
ShoNuff ShoGun

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